April Update

The Parish Council monthly meetings take place at the Collingham Youth and Community Centre. The public are welcome – joining details on parish noticeboards or from the Clerk. The next meeting is on the 25th April 2024 6.30pm, with meetings held on the fourth Thursday of the month. Don’t forget we are updating our website and … Read more

Rural crime prevention enhanced with new vehicles secured

Efforts to catch offenders in rural areas in Nottinghamshire have been boosted by the addition of three brand-new Hilux 4x4s which have been rolled out across the county. The fleet available to Nottinghamshire Police has now expanded with vehicles  located in Bassetlaw, Newark and Sherwood as well as Rushcliffe to give the force the best … Read more

You are invited to learn more about policing in your area

If you are 18 years or older and interested in gaining a deeper understanding of daily policing activities in your local area, our Public Observation Scheme would be perfect for you. This program gives you the opportunity to observe and engage with various aspects of policing, aimed at enhancing community engagement and feedback. You can … Read more

Stop! Think fraud.

Did you know? Fraud accounts for almost 40% of all crime. In just one year, 1 in 17 adults in England and Wales were victims of fraud. That’s nearly 3 million of us. 1 in 5 businesses were also a victim of fraud over a 3 year period. In other words, fraud is rife and … Read more

68% of the East Midlands public support raising the age of sale to create a smokefree generation

A new YouGov poll for Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) shows 68% of people in the East Midlands support the Prime Minister’s plans to create a smokefree generation by raising the age of sale so that it will never be legal to sell tobacco to anyone born after the start of 2009. The poll … Read more

Work begins on a new, low carbon council office to help bring long-term savings

Work on Nottinghamshire County Council’s new low carbon, all-electric office, north of Hucknall along A611 Annesley Road, has now begun as part of a major investment in the area. The new office is designed to help bring long-term savings for the taxpayer and environment as part of a wider project to move more front-line council … Read more