A short introduction to the History, Geography and Architecture of Collingham
The village of Collingham is situated towards the eastern edge of Nottinghamshire on the eastern side of the Trent Valley. The name “Collingham” is derived from the combination of Saxon words “inga” meaning “people”, “ham” meaning “settlement” and “Colla” the name of the chief. However, Bronze Age and Roman finds indicate that there had been a settlement here long before then.
It is possible that “Long Collingham” was split into two by the early Danish settlers, who called one half “Northbie” and the other “Southbie”. Later in Medieval times, North and South Collingham existed as two parishes. The “advowson” (rights) belonged to Peterborough Abbey.
The village is now one long settlement following the Fleet, once the course of the river Trent. The two main streets, High Street and Low Street, run parallel and are connected several times by narrow lanes.
There are 62 listed buildings in Collingham, six of which are dated as 16th century or earlier. This indicates the wealth of architecture present, and it is little wonder Whites directory of 1832 described Collingham as “one of the handsomest villages in the county”.
The vernacular buildings are generally recognised by their limestone (blue lias) bases with timber frame and mud or plaster walling above. When brick became more widely used in the late 18th Century, this replaced the mud walling. Originally these building would have had thatched roofs. Pantiles are now more commonly found.
The above account is reproduced by the kind Permission of the Collingham and District Local History Society. Further details of buildings in the village can be obtained from the leaflet “Collingham Heritage Trail”, available for purchase from the Post Office in the High Street.
A Tribute to Edward G Wake on the 150th anniversary of the publication of his book “The History of Collingham and its Neighbourhood”. A hard copy of this is available in the Library.